Hunt20 2.1 Puzzle Hunt

Hunt20 2.1 Puzzle Hunt
Logo of Hunt20
No. of Registered Teams368
Winning TeamCardinality
No. of Rounds2
No. of Puzzles (Feeders and Metas)20
Timeframe and Location
Start Time2021-07-16 18:00 EDT
Finishing Time (Winning Team)2021-07-16 20:24 EDT
Official End Time2021-07-22 18:00 EDT
Hunt LinkLink
Wrapup LinkLink
Hunt20 Chronology
← 1

Hunt 20 2.1 Puzzle Hunt was a puzzle hunt by Hunt20. It ran in mid-July, 2021.

The hunt consisted of 20 puzzles divided into 2 rounds, with each round containing 9 feeders and a meta. The first round was themed around young adult books, transitioning to children's books at the second round. The difficulty level was intended to be similar to the DaroCaro Puzzle Hunt or Paradox Puzzle Hunt.

Plot[edit | edit source]

Teams enter a library in search of the "Hunt20" book. Once finding it in its shelf, the young adult books in it fall over, and teams put the books in their place by solving puzzles. Once the Percy Jackson meta is solved, the bookshelf turns into a portal back to the dinosaur-filled Mesozoic Era, where an asteroid is threatening to destroy life on Earth. The travel back in time is also represented by the transition to children's books in the second round, and teams have to solve puzzles tied to these books to ultimately figure out how to stop the asteroid and save the dinosaurs.

Post solve instructions[edit | edit source]

The hunt is linear. Puzzles unlock in order as shown on the puzzles page. Start with 3 puzzles unlocked. After 3 solves, increase unlock width by 1.

Meta 1 unlocks at 6 solves. Unlock Round 2 when Meta 1 is solved
Start with 3 puzzles unlocked in Round 2.
Meta 2 unlocks at 7 Round-2 solves. Finish hunt when Meta 2 is solved

Structure[edit | edit source]

Round Title Number of Feeder Puzzles Number of Metapuzzles
The Bookshelf 9 1
The Mesozoic Era 9 1

Round 1 (The Bookshelf)[edit | edit source]

Round 2 (The Mesozoic Era)[edit | edit source]

Leaderboard[edit | edit source]

Rank Team Solves Finish Time
1 Cardinality 20 2021-07-16 8:24:00 PM
2 ClueCurio 20 2021-07-16 9:44:00 PM
3 Inert Oaken Heron 20 2021-07-16 9:49:00 PM
4 CCB 17 2021-07-16 9:55:00 PM
5 You Thought It Was Not Projectyl But SURPRISE Actually It Is Projectyl 20 2021-07-16 10:02:00 PM
6 Weird Lex & The Aladdin Chickenshackers 20 2021-07-16 10:09:00 PM
7 Powered by gph-site 15 2021-07-16 10:14:00 PM
8 9780802118349 20 2021-07-16 10:16:00 PM
9 Japan Has Many Vending Machines 16 2021-07-16 10:26:00 PM
10 Dogs Bound By Rules 16 2021-07-16 10:30:00 PM
11 The Blob Wizards 20 2021-07-16 10:32:00 PM
12 Team spent 300 dollars on kazuha + others who did not spend 300 dollars on kazuha 17 2021-07-16 10:35:00 PM
13 come back to us later 19 2021-07-16 10:47:00 PM
14 Ghostbloods 20 2021-07-16 10:49:00 PM
15 Globe Otters 19 2021-07-16 10:54:00 PM
16 THE THUNDEROUS 18 2021-07-16 11:29:00 PM
17 Triangular Surfaces Building Icosahedra 16 2021-07-16 11:48:00 PM
18 Team Dixie 18 2021-07-17 12:12:00 AM
19 Icosahedral Herrings 🎏 15 2021-07-17 12:21:00 AM
20 White Maria 20 2021-07-17 12:27:00 AM
21 MysteryFunHouse 20 2021-07-17 12:35:00 AM
22 Yuki 17 2021-07-17 12:42:00 AM
23 Pluru 20 2021-07-17 12:47:00 AM
24 17th Shard 20 2021-07-17 12:53:00 AM
25 Jenga Juggling Jamers 20 2021-07-17 1:03:00 AM
26 Teddy Set Go 15 2021-07-17 1:11:00 AM
27 Team Sam (Busy, Independent) 20 2021-07-17 1:12:00 AM
28 SeptaCube 15 2021-07-17 1:44:00 AM
29 Just Zis Guy, Y'Know? 20 2021-07-17 1:49:00 AM
30 [URGENT] 20 2021-07-17 2:05:00 AM

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