Board Game (P.I.HUNT 3)

Board Game
Author(s)Jack Lance
AnswerClick to revealABSURDUM

Board Game is one of the fifteen investigation puzzles from P.I.HUNT 3. It takes the form of a downloadable Unity game with a tutorial and five levels.

Solve Path[edit | edit source]

The game takes the form of a tutorial explaining the mechanics and five different levels of increasing difficulty. The general objective is to turn on certain blocks in the level to guide the blue ball to the green diamond, while avoid red diamonds.

WARNING: Level Five may not work 100% properly on everyone's computer, making it very difficult to complete the puzzle. If necessary, you may want to look at the spoilers below to confirm you have done it correctly/as Jack intended.


The best way to approach this puzzle is to play around with the boxes and see what works to get the ball to the end. The required/intended keys for each word are given below.












The "keys" pressed in each level can be anagrammed into words, and the words form a clue to the final answer. The word for level five is from a non-English language.

Puzzle Elements[edit | edit source]

Interactive Puzzle - This is a downloadable Unity game.