Unlock Structures

Puzzle hunts are often defined by their structure, and there have been many different structures and variations-on-structures developed over time. Two main types of unlocking mechanics are solve unlocks (where solving one puzzle allows access to subsequent puzzles) and time unlocks (where puzzles are released at a set schedule independently of solves). This page seeks to illustrate the general idea of different types of hunt structures through simple infographics.

Puzzle Trails[edit | edit source]

These puzzles unlock, one at a time, and only after solving the current puzzle. Most treasure hunts, including Edric's Treasure Hunts, fall under this category.

Timed Unlocks[edit | edit source]

These puzzles unlock over time. The Australian format, used by SUMS, MUMS, Mezzacotta, Edric's Puzzle Hunts, Galactic Puzzle Hunt 2017, often does unlocks over days such that solving all the puzzles available won't unlock new puzzles.

Unlock Juice[edit | edit source]

These puzzles track a number that indicates how close a team is to unlocking new puzzles. This has been used in Galactic Puzzle Hunt 2018 and some Puzzle Boats.

Adjacency Unlocks[edit | edit source]

Puzzles and unlock connections can be considered as vertices and edges of a graph such that solving a puzzle unlocks all puzzles connected to it. Many use puzzle maps like Teammate Hunt 2021 and R.T.3 Search, but some may have the map more hidden, like Edric's 2022 Truzzle Hunt shown below.

Puzzle Packet[edit | edit source]

These puzzles are released all at once. Most published puzzles in booklets or PDFs like P&A Magazine and Labor Day Extravaganza fall under this category. Another example is Cryptex Hunt 2019.

Mixture[edit | edit source]

Hunts may mix different unlock structures, with a common mixture being adjacency unlocks or unlock juice with timed unlocks. Some versions allow advanced teams to speed ahead while ensuring newer teams who get stuck can still get new puzzles, like in MIT Mystery Hunt 2019. The 2023 DUAL Puzzle Hunt is mainly built on the Australian format but with adjacency unlocks for the harder half.