Errol Elumir

Revision as of 18:42, 7 April 2022 by (talk) (add Errol's day job)

Errol Elumir is a Canadian puzzle creator, creative artist, musician, community personality and video educator. He is the creator of the My Neighbor Errol Puzzle Hunt, producer of the Cryptex Hunt, and founding member of puzzle event group Canadian Caper. He is a member of the escape room focused podcast group Room Escape Divas.

Errol has given a number of talks and presentations on puzzle design, especially within the context of escape rooms, and collects escape room design resources on his popular, high traffic website, The Codex.

Outside of puzzles, Errol is author of the autobiographical webcomic My Neighbor Errol, half of the filk group Debs and Errol, and producer of stop motion Lego brickfilms, among other creative projects. By day, he is a mild mannered producer of training videos for Method:CRM.