Jianghu Jiemi

江湖解谜 (Jianghu Jiemi)
No. of Registered Teams373
Winning Team怪盗解谜团
No. of Rounds3
No. of Puzzles (Feeders and Metas)36
Timeframe and Location
Start Time2024-02-23 20:00 CST
Finishing Time (Winning Team)2024-02-25 13:29 CST
Official End Time2024-03-03 20:00 CST
Hunt LinkLink
Wrapup LinkLink

江湖解谜 (Jianghu Jiemi) is a Chinese puzzlehunt. The plot is based on a martial arts story.

Plot[edit | edit source]

Chen Ziti (陈子题) aspired to join Wudang but was looked down on due to the lack of strength. However, when Wudang is in danger, the site recruited disciples more openly, giving Chen Ziti the opportunity to join. Chen Ziti later took three courses in the inner door and got recruited to a competition.

List of Rounds/Puzzles[edit | edit source]

初入武当[edit | edit source]

玉虚宫练武[edit | edit source]

门生擂台[edit | edit source]