Luogu Puzzle Hunt 1/存在之物

存在之物 (The Things that Exist) is a large problem in LGPH 1.

Content of the Puzzle[edit | edit source]

The First Part - Finding the Link[edit | edit source]

After wandering through the maze for a while, you noticed a locked room.

The door of the room was locked with two locks. There is also a paragraph written on the door: "To open this door, you need to get two keys. These two keys are hidden in two hidden rooms, and there is no map pointing to them in the maze..."

No map pointing to them? You feel very uncomfortable.

"However, their positions are not completely hidden; their positions are related to the positions of other rooms..."

You remember seeing something unusually large in a large room before. Perhaps it's related to this?

"What exists is very important, and what is lost is equally important."

You shook your head, why did you start preaching big truths again at this moment?

Anyway, let's first study the existing maps.

The Second Part - The Things that Exist[edit | edit source]

The following content needs to solve the previous part, that is, it can only be seen after finding the link.

There is a note in the mysterious room with a prompt: "Explore your path when you came, in another dimension."

Solution of the Puzzle[edit | edit source]

The First Part - Finding the Link[edit | edit source]

There is a word figure (壹,贰,叁,肆,伍,陆,柒,捌, the word figures are used to replace 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八, the ordinary form of a Chinese numeral sometimes, to avoid numbers being altered in important places) in each middle puzzle. The eight word figures in order are 1,4,7,8,6,3,2,5.

Using these eight numbers to extract the corresponding position of the link to the middle puzzles, we obtain the link "bzlfpqja", which is "existing".

The Second Part - The Things that Exist[edit | edit source]

"Another dimension" obviously refers to the answer to the middle puzzles. Use the same way to extract, we can get the answer "twinborn".