Gala Premiere (MIT Mystery Hunt 2020)

Gala Premiere
MIT Mystery Hunt 2020
Creative Pictures Studios
Author(s)John Ananny
AnswerClick to reveal🐙
No. solves12
No. total guesses20

It’s a packed house at our theater, but those with connections can probably still squeeze in.

Gala Premiere is a Diagramless Crossword from the Creative Pictures Studios round of the 2020 MIT Mystery Hunt.

Puzzle Elements[edit | edit source]

Diagramless Crossword - The puzzle states out the gate that it is a diagramless with standard crossword symmetry.


Hint in Flavortext - The flavortext, however, alludes to the puzzle's gimmick...

Not Your Standard Puzzle Type - ...the catch is that some squares must have a bigram entered into them to form the correct grid.

Connect-The-Dots - Each bigram shares a letter with at least one other bigram; drawing lines between bigrams with shared letters draws out the answer. (This is also alluded to in the flavortext.)