小学生才比战斗力 (MiaoHunt 2023)

MiaoHunt 2023
AnswerClick to revealHELLCAT

小学生才比战斗力 is a visual puzzle from MiaoHunt 2023. It contains picture of numerous characters from various anime series within a ranking.

Solve Path[edit | edit source]


The ranking decision needs to be determined for each set of four characters, which are already identified. The data is pulled from Moe Girl Encyclopedia, which is clued by converting the rankings on permutation order from smallest to largest (for example, 1234 represents A and 4321 represents X) to get MOEGIRL.

The ranking are as follows.

  • Cute Points
  • Name Length
  • Initial Letters
  • Birthdate
  • Height
  • Weight
  • 2022 International Cutest Contest Ranking

These rankings need to be applied to the four characters at the bottom. Afterward, the permutations needs to be converted to letters to get the final answer.

Puzzle Elements[edit | edit source]

Identification - All of the anime characters are already identified, but the attributes used for ranking need to be identified.