梦幻岛的隐藏秘密 (MiaoHunt 2023)

MiaoHunt 2023
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梦幻岛的隐藏秘密 is a metapuzzle from MiaoHunt 2023 that serves as a follow up to "迷失城的秘密", a metapuzzle in Lost Town. The puzzle page almost contains the exact instructions as the metapuzzle "梦幻岛的秘密", but some of the instructions got crossed out and replaced.

Solve Path[edit | edit source]


The length of the feeders in Neverland is the same as the length of the corresponding feeders in Lost Town, and each pair has exactly two eigenletters. Additionally, the puzzle uses COUNTRY CODES, the meta answer of "迷失城的秘密", as a clue phrase to indicate that the letters form two-letter ISO abbreviations for countries. The three-letter versions use the same two letters plus an extra, and the extra letters spell out the answer.

Puzzle Elements[edit | edit source]


Eigenletters - Two of them are found for each corresponding pair of puzzles from Neverland and Lost Town.