痛苦这门艺术 (MiaoHunt 2023)

MiaoHunt 2023
Lost Town
AnswerClick to revealSOLDER

痛苦这门艺术 is a puzzle from MiaoHunt 2023. The puzzle consists of a grid of Chinese characters along with some Chinese prose at the top.

Solve Path[edit | edit source]


Each character in the title and first word of the flavortext can be found in the grid in differing rows. As there are 26 columns, applying A1Z26 on the column location spells out HUAXIN LYRICS, which refers to the song “画心” by Jane Zhang.

The lyrics of the song can then be found in a similar way to a word search, but the lyrics form a shape of a heart. Additionally, the Braille hearts decodes to PAINT HEART (the English translation of the song) and indicate a coloring. All of the words in the prose can then be found inside the grid and either lie inside or outside the hearts, and extraction is done by conversion into ASCII.

Puzzle Elements[edit | edit source]


Word Search - A similar premise occurs in the puzzle, but lyrics are found instead and form the shape of hearts.

ASCII - Used in the final extraction.