Microsoft Puzzlehunt 2023/Computer Science
Computer Science is one of rounds from Microsoft Puzzlehunt 2023. TO DO
Description[edit | edit source]
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### Inputs to Puzzles ### Each of the non-meta puzzles in this department take one word as input. This input word changes how the puzzle solves, and therefore instead of a puzzle having a single answer, a puzzle has a single answer for a particular input. When submitting answers you will need to select the input word and provide the appropriate output word (aka answer). ### Rate Limiting ### Guesses are per puzzle, not per input. So if you guess a lot quickly on an input of foo, then you'll be rate-limited for an input of bar as well. ### Function Calls ### Most of the puzzles involve "function calls" to other puzzles; these look like: CLUES(born). For the purposes of solving the puzzle, in this example, the function call should be replaced with the output of the CLUES puzzle when given an input of "born".
List of Puzzles(ls puzzles/)[edit | edit source]
- Crafting Linux User Error Strings - CLUES.puzz
- Effective Mac Process Thread Yielding - EMPTY.puzz
- Log In Security Testing - LIST.puzz
- Locally Operating Globally Interconnected Computers - LOGIC.puzz
Gimmick explanationEvery puzzle except EMPTY calls above four excluding itself as function.
- Computer Science Meta - META.puzz
List of Inputs[edit | edit source]
- CLUES(input):
- LOGIC(candle)
- LIST(garter)
- EMPTY(gnu)
- LIST(input):
- EMPTY(cyst)
- LOGIC(sloan)
- CLUES(firm)
- LOGIC(input):
- LIST(lover)
- EMPTY(frayed)
- CLUES(born)
- Meta
- CLUES(LIST(gush))
- LOGIC(EMPTY(pawn))
- EMPTY(CLUES(lock))
- LIST(LOGIC(quayd))