Arrowhead (P.I.HUNT 1)

AnswerClick to revealDISEMBODIMENT

Arrowhead is one of the final seven puzzles of P.I.HUNT 1. It is a grid of letters, most with letters but some with colors accompanied by some pictures.

Solve Path[edit | edit source]


As indicated by the bolded squares, the grid is a Yajilin logic puzzle, but the labels are not explicitly given and need to be figured out.

These Yajilin labels come from the pictures, like the 1-UP Mushroom from the Mario series referring to the Click to reveal1-Up Arrow, and the pictures can be identified via reverse image-search.
Reading the letters in the black squares in standard reading order results in Click to revealTHE STRAIGHTAWAYS.
Reading the letters in the straightaways in path order (going clockwise) spells out the puzzle's answer.

Puzzle Elements[edit | edit source]

Yajilin - The bolded letters spell out YAJILIN, indicating that the grid should be treated as such.


Identification - Used on the pictures and by extension the Yajilin labels.