Overlap (P.I.HUNT 1)

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Overlap is one of the final seven puzzles of P.I.HUNT 1. It contains a series of overlapping words.

Solve Path[edit | edit source]


The overlapping words can be split into two words which have something in commonare part of a set of four.

The words are times of day, and the other two are AFTERNOON and EVENING.
The words are common elements of living organisms, and the other two are CARBON and HYDROGEN.
The words are the four directions, and the other two are WEST and NORTH.
The words are horsemen of the apocalypse, and the other two are WAR and FAMINE.
The names are part of the Gang of Four, and the other two are ZHANG CHUN QIOA and YAO WEN YUAN.
The words are the four outer planets, and the other two are SATURN and NEPTUNE.
The words are the four basic math operations, and the other two are MINUS and DIVIDED BY.
The words are first names of presidents on Mount Rushmore, and the other two are GEORGE and THOMAS.
The words are full names of the Fantastic Four, and the other two are JOHNNY STORM and SUSAN STORM. Using HUMAN TORCH in place of JOHNNY STORM technically still leads to the same result.
Extraction is done by taking an eigenletter from each pair of the remaining two entries. The last one may require disambiguation, but only one option results in a final cluephrase, which is Click to revealNOT A UNION.

Puzzle Elements[edit | edit source]


Identification - Sets of four need to be identified.

Eigenletters - Used to extract letters for the final cluephrase.