Round 28773

Round 28773
Round image
Running Teamphenomist
Winning Teamsbb618
No. of Rounds1
No. of Puzzles (Feeders and Metas)10
Timeframe and Location
LocationOnline (/r/PictureGame)
Start Time2016-11-28 18:24 UTC
Finishing Time (Winning Team)2016-11-29 05:47 UTC
Hunt LinkLink
Wrapup LinkLink

Round 28773 was a r/PictureGame round that was a puzzle hunt round. It was created by phenomist as a 200 win milestone.

Structure[edit | edit source]

The first puzzle, given by the round image, points solvers to a separate subreddit containing several puzzles. The remaining puzzles were all available upon reaching the subreddit.

List of Puzzles[edit | edit source]