
Revision as of 07:19, 25 March 2023 by Laclale (talk | contribs)
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For each grids and solution lines, @ points where in array and repetition and each cell should satisfy both regular expression across and down.

  1. First fill. + part used filling from back.
  2. [WALKING]/([MODERN]) is N. [MOUNTS]/[^N-Z] is M. Filling of CD fills 1 capture pointing it.
  3. [ALBUM]/(MN|EM|ON|IC)@1 leaving MN. (41|17|28|39)@2/[^3-9] leaving 41. (HY|PN|OT|IC)@2/[D-EM-O] leaving PN. (HU|MA|NI|TY)@1/[DESIGN] leaving NI.
  4. For (30|41|52|74)@1/(40|55|72|83|17)@1, (30|41|52|74)@2/[13579] leaving 41 so leaving 40 as well.
  5. For (11|84|13|90), (86|75|03|99)@1/(11|84|13|90)@2 leaving 90 so leaving 03 as well and (17|23|55|98) is 98.
  6. Capture pointed (13|14|24|25) is 13 and (12|37|98|45|60) is 45.
  7. (32|22|12|25)@1/[3-8] leaving 32. Capture pointed (65|71|84|92|93) is 92.
  8. Capture pointed (25|36|58|47) is 47 and (MI27|LT18|ZB55|EA06) is EA06. So (15|66|47|08) is 47.
  9. At this point, location word is required to determine rest.
Table 1
A/D [^FLAVORING](CD)+([DUTCH])\2 ([MODERN])\1[^N-Z](MN|EM|ON|IC)\2 (.)(.).\2\1[3-8]\1 (.)\1(.)\2{2}\1[^3-9] ([_______]<6>)\1(.)..[DESIGN]\2 [______]<10>{2}(.)[D-EM-O](.)\2\1 .(11|84|13|90)(40|55|72|83|17)\2 (.).\1[13579](15|66|47|08).
[_______]<3>[WALKING]..[WATCHDOG][^LUCRATIVE](13|14|24|25) <3>/[^FLAVORING] N 4 2 [WATCHDOG]/(<6>) [^LUCRATIVE]/<10>{2@1} 1 3
..(65|71|84|92|93)(TE|TR|AV|EX)(17|23|55|98) C N 9 2 (TE|TR|AV|EX)@1/\([WATCHDOG]/<6>) (TE|TR|AV|EX)@2/<10>{2@2} 9 8
.[MOUNTS]1...(86|75|03|99) D M 1 5 E A 0 3
....(HY|PN|OT|IC)(30|41|52|74) C M 9 5 P N 4 1
(.).(12|37|98|45|60)\1... D N 4 5 D I 0 4
[________]<5>[ALBUM](32|22|12|25)(HU|MA|NI|TY)(25|36|58|47) <5>/([DUTCH]) M 3 2 N I 4 7
..(41|17|28|39)(MI27|LT18|ZB55|EA06) ./\(<5>/[DUTCH]) N 4 1 E A 0 6