
Revision as of 09:21, 14 September 2023 by Laclale (talk | contribs)

Everywhere you look, this exhibit has public art on view.

  1. drape.retailing._______________
  2. _______________names.careful
  3. exactly.mathematical._______________
  4. commit._______________.hoofs
  5. luck.tomorrow._______________
  6. decreased.parade._______________
  7. pickle.fault._______________
  8. humid._______________.credible
  9. _______________.many.turkey

As basically grid used regex, ( ) is group that makes capture and \ reuses it. For each grids and solution lines, @ points where in array and repetition.

Table 3
A/D ([^IMPERSONAL])\1{3}(CO|LL|EC|TI|ON)\1{3}. (MMN|MNM|MNN|NMM)\1(.)\2[NAME]\2 (.)(.)(.)\3[7-9]..\1{2}\2 (.)(.)\2[1234]\2{2}.(.)\3\1 (.)\1(DA|RT|ER)\1(AC|FP|RS)[^QUART](.)\4 (.)\1(EL|EC|TR|IC)[CLIQUE]\1.(.)[ART]\3 .[6-9](.).\1[1-4](21|47|82|93)2[6-9] (.).\1[^1-4](.)(17|36|55)(.)\4\2