Wiki:Page Structure/Puzzles

Puzzle Title
Hunt Name
Round Title
A picture representing the puzzle in some way, like an overworld image, or a non-spoiler image from the puzzle.
Author(s)Author Name

The introductory section of the article should include the Puzzle Name in bold, along with the following information:

  • General puzzle type (Word? Logic? Etc.)
  • Round Name
  • Hunt Name
  • A visual description of the puzzle, particularly any notable creative decisions (Is it presented as a series of images of Trebuchets? Is the page just blank?).

A brief, non-spoilery description of the puzzle may be included, if it is possible to discuss the puzzle without spoiling it. Think of this like a blurb for a novel; a successful one intrigues the reader without spoiling the plot.

Solve Path

This section should be mostly spoiled, aside from surface observations about the puzzle itself that do not contribute to the solution. Things like "This puzzle is presented as series of circular grids", or "The clues are separated into two columns labelled BINGO and BONGO."

As the goal of the Solve Path on a puzzle page is to provide a solver's perspective of a puzzle, and how someone may approach and ultimately solve it, it is recommended to avoid directly copying the solution page of a puzzle. Use it as a reference, particularly if a puzzle is difficult to understand, but attempt to write from your own perspective.

While not everyone will share the same solve path, these pieces of writing should be constructive; if an alternate path is discovered, add it as an additional section of the solve path rather than replacing it entirely.

At the end of the solve path, use the following text:

Final Answer: Click to revealFINAL ANSWER.

Puzzle Elements

Puzzle elements often contain just as many spoilers about a puzzle's solution as the solve path does, so this section should be spoiled as well, until selective spoilering is more efficiently implemented.

Sometimes elements will need to be created to fill in a key part of a puzzle's structure. If this is the case, we recommend using the talk page and/or to discuss what elements are needed and whether particular elements have been created and named yet.

Warning: Display title "Wiki:Page Structure/Puzzles" overrides earlier display title "Puzzle Title (Hunt Name)". Warning: Default sort key "Puzzles" overrides earlier default sort key "Puzzle Title (Hunt Name)".