Storybook Pals (MIT Mystery Hunt 2020)

Storybook Pals
MIT Mystery Hunt 2020
Storybook Forest
Author(s)Mark Gottlieb
AnswerClick to revealFURRY TAILS
No. solves64
No. total guesses174

Storybook Pals was the metapuzzle of the Storybook Forest round of the 2020 MIT Mystery Hunt.

Answer List[edit | edit source]

Puzzle Elements[edit | edit source]

Metapuzzle (Pure Meta) - The puzzle provides only a title and flavortext.

Flavortext - The children are quite cross at the shoddy condition of the Storybook Forest’s animatronics. What would improve them?


Just Like the Others - All feeders to this puzzle have either 9 or 11 letters.

Hint in Flavortext - The children are quite cross at the shoddy condition of the Storybook Forest’s animatronics. What would improve them?

Crossword (Criss Cross) - The feeders can be assembled such that they interlock in a crosshatch grid:

 L   S   R
 F   T   H
 R   R   S
 N   C   R

Positional Extraction - The grid is two entries short of a cross-hatch grid. Where the two entries would go is written the answer to this metapuzzle.

Asked and Answered - The answer to this metapuzzle answers a question about how Storybook Forest can improve its animatronics.