
The logo of Vehemence
Year founded2022

Vehemence is a Discord-based online Team that usually participates in online hunts. The team is part of a group of ARG and Unfiction community, with a public discord invite to our main server, welcoming others to join along.

The team hunted with The Mathemagicians for MIT Mystery Hunt 2023.

The team also hunted with Literally Animal Farm for MIT Mystery Hunt 2024.

History[edit | edit source]


See Also[edit | edit source]

Past Team Performances[edit | edit source]

Date Hunt Rank Notes
2024 Grand Hunt 2024 Testers
2024 Puzzle Rojak 2024 Team 1 16 After Dinner Vehe-mint
2024 Puzzle Rojak 2024 Team 2 20 Vehemunchies
2024 Puzzle Rojak 2024 Team 3 21 Veheminestrone
2024 Rubik's Cube 50th Anniversary Puzzle Hunt Team 1 6 Vehemently Peeling the Stickers
2024 Rubik's Cube 50th Anniversary Puzzle Hunt Team 2 10 Vehemence and the Twisting Fury
2024 Rubik's Cube 50th Anniversary Puzzle Hunt Team 3 16 Vehemencube
2024 Rubik's Cube 50th Anniversary Puzzle Hunt Team 4 45 Vehemence Speedsolvers
2024 CMU Hunt Spring 2024 Team 1 25 ⬆️ ԀՈ ƎᗡIS SIHꓕ :ƎϽNƎꟽƎHƎɅ ⬆️
2024 CMU Hunt Spring 2024 Team 2 26 Vehemence: Not For Children Under 3 Years
2024 CMU Hunt Spring 2024 Team 3 81 Vehemence: Package Undeliverable
2024 Brown Puzzlehunt 2024 Team 1 uncalculated Vehemence
2024 Brown Puzzlehunt 2024 Team 2 uncalculated Vehemence 2.0
2024 Mindbreakers Fun 2024 19
2024 MIT Mystery Hunt 2024 17 Hunted with Literally Animal Farm!
2023 123 123 (Team 1) 8 One-Two-Threemence
2023 123 123 (Team 2) 17 casually vehement
2023 Holiday Hoopla 2023 1 Winners 🎉
2023 Laplace Hunt 2023 19
2023 Huntinality 2023 (Team 1) 53 Once upon a time in Vehemence...
2023 Huntinality 2023 (Team 2) 108 ...All seemed lost, until Vehemence arrived...
2023 Huntinality 2023 (Team 3) 51 ...and they all lived Vehemently ever after
2023 CMU 2023 77
2023 Galactic Puzzle Hunt 2023 (Team 2) 70 Vehemence Who Always Lies
2023 Galactic Puzzle Hunt 2023 (Team 1) 69 Vehemence Who Always Tells The Truth
2023 Puzzlebang 2023 uncalculated
2023 Two On The Isle uncalculated Mark Halpin's 2023 Hunt
2023 ShardHunt 2023 30
2023 The 2023 DUAL Puzzle Hunt 1 Winners 🎉
2023 Glyph G4 uncalculated
2023 Microsoft Puzzle Hunt 222
2023 Cryptex Hunt 2023 9
2023 CMU Spring 2023 86
2023 Brown Puzzle Hunt 31
2023 MindBreakers Park 31
2023 Grand Hunt 2023 Testers
2022 EC Puzzle Hunt 85
2022 Puzzle Bang 2022 uncalculated
2022 Galactic Puzzle Hunt 2022 135
2022 REDDOTHunt 2022 21 completed the runaround
2022 Huntinality 2.0 122
2022 Cryptex Hunt 2022 5