Data:Grand Hunt

This data page is for the hunt Grand Hunt, which was run on 2023-02-10 and is part of the Grand Hunt franchise.
For instructions on how to update Data: namespace pages, see Wiki:Hunt Leaderboards.

Chitty Chitty ‼️ alias= subteams= rank=1 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 16:57 comment=
↷ MotionPortrayedHere alias=⛎ UNICODE EQUIVALENCE subteams= rank=2 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 17:23 comment=
Pepsimen alias= subteams= rank=3 pts=30 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 17:24 comment=
Look, I'm Not Saying It's Projectyl, But Let's Be Honest Here, It's Probably Projectyl alias=Projectyl subteams= rank=4 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 17:30 comment=
Have you tried hunting at lunch time? alias=Have you tried subteams= rank=5 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 17:34 comment=
Mobius Strippers alias= subteams= rank=6 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 17:36 comment=
Deusovi alias= subteams= rank=7 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 17:36 comment= alias= subteams= rank=8 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 17:39 comment=
Just Cameron alias= subteams= rank=9 pts=27 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 17:45 comment=
Plughed in alias=Plugh subteams= rank=10 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 17:46 comment=
e[pi]c alias=(pi) subteams= rank=11 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 17:51 comment=
The C@r@line Syzygy alias= subteams= rank=12 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 17:58 comment=
ProJackL alias=Jack Lance subteams= rank=13 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 18:00 comment=
🚗🤖🥞🎃🙃🐥 alias= subteams= rank=14 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 18:02 comment=
Mom, Jimothy's Out Here Jimmin' Again alias= subteams= rank=15 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 18:18 comment=
Treasures (Scattered) Bearing Insignias alias=Test Solution Bees Ignore subteams= rank=16 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 18:42 comment=
I'll be honest here all of us didn't realize that this hunt was coming up so soon and we had all forgotten about it until yesterday so I guess we have nobody here who's actually ready to solve oops alias= subteams= rank=17 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 18:43 comment=
Team Without An Intentionally Obvious Handle alias=Inert Oaken Heron subteams= rank=18 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 18:48 comment=
barbara kingsolver alias= subteams= rank=19 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 19:27 comment=
alias= subteams= rank=20 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 19:29 comment=
Noble Electronic Scavengers alias=NES subteams= rank=21 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 19:32 comment=
SOY BOYS alias= subteams= rank=22 pts=29 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 19:38 comment=
Ok Poodle alias= subteams= rank=23 pts=30 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 19:59 comment=
Canyon Maybe, Unsure alias=PuzzlehuntCMU subteams= rank=24 pts=28 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 20:06 comment=
kcaze alias= subteams= rank=25 pts=30 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 20:17 comment=
Dogs Bound By Rules alias= subteams= rank=26 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 20:42 comment=
Time Vultures alias= subteams= rank=27 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 20:56 comment=
Llamaha Pianos alias=Llama subteams= rank=28 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 21:26 comment=
If It Walks Like Projectyl and Talks Like Projectyl PSYCH! It's Dan Katz alias=Dan Katz subteams= rank=29 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 21:29 comment=
Les Gaulois alias= subteams= rank=30 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 21:30 comment=
Delivering Adventure Now! alias= subteams= rank=31 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 21:31 comment=
Insert Cash Or Select Payment Type alias= subteams= rank=32 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 22:00 comment=
1000 Herrings 🎏 alias=Herrings subteams= rank=33 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 22:02 comment=
Grand Gambling Guessers alias= subteams= rank=34 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 22:24 comment=
🐆 Cheatahs 🐆 alias= subteams= rank=35 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 22:41 comment=
ClueCurio alias= subteams= rank=36 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 23:05 comment=
Have you tried hunting at dinner time? alias=Have you tried subteams= rank=37 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 23:19 comment=
Amateur Hour alias= subteams= rank=38 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 23:20 comment=
d alias= subteams= rank=39 pts=25 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 23:41 comment=
Insane Troll Logic alias= subteams= rank=40 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 10, 23:44 comment=
simplicissimus alias= subteams= rank=41 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 0:14 comment=
Have You Tried Confusing People With Your Team Name? alias=Have you tried subteams= rank=42 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 0:19 comment=
Thousand Stars Brightly Illuminated alias=Test Solution Bees Ignore subteams= rank=43 pts=29 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 0:24 comment=
Casual Goblins alias= subteams= rank=44 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 1:04 comment=
PonX alias= subteams= rank=45 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 1:16 comment=
OK hunters, rise and shine and don't forget your Boötes, cause it's COOOLD out there! It's cold out there every day. What is this, Miami Beach? Not hardly. And you know, you can expect hazardous alias= subteams= rank=46 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 1:26 comment=
Backsolve Bunnies alias= subteams= rank=47 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 1:38 comment=
Solitary Dragon of the C@r@line Syzygy alias= subteams= rank=48 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 1:52 comment=
International Llamas of Mystery alias= subteams= rank=49 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 2:20 comment=
Callie's Enterprise alias= subteams= rank=50 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 2:29 comment=
berkelE MATh tournament alias=teammate subteams= rank=51 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 2:36 comment=
pr𐑀ytrick alias=praytrick subteams= rank=52 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 2:42 comment=
We Are Motley alias= subteams= rank=53 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 2:45 comment=
Grand Unified COMPLEXITY Theory alias= subteams= rank=54 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 2:47 comment=
big gamer hours alias= subteams= rank=55 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 2:50 comment=
🐑 alias= subteams= rank=56 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 2:56 comment=
Become Grandy alias= subteams= rank=57 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 3:05 comment=
Max alias= subteams= rank=58 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 3:22 comment=
you know you're low commitment when you start 9 hours after the hunt starts alias= subteams= rank=59 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 4:00 comment=
QD - Omega Team alias= subteams= rank=60 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 4:16 comment=
QD - We Tried alias= subteams= rank=61 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 4:27 comment=
Jack Is da Bomb alias= subteams= rank=62 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 5:48 comment=
Laid-Back Puzzling△ 闲散解谜 ~ alias= subteams= rank=63 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 7:58 comment=
SeptaCube alias= subteams= rank=64 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 8:38 comment=
Exclusive Cascadian alias= subteams= rank=65 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 8:40 comment=
Pennys alias= subteams= rank=66 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 9:06 comment=
Spin My Hovercraft alias= subteams= rank=67 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 9:13 comment=
Évariste Galois of /r/把这个发给十个人否则北极熊拉希德会把你的事情搞砸的 alias=r/picturegame subteams= rank=68 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 9:22 comment=
s0l02C00000 alias= subteams= rank=69 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 9:37 comment=
Curious Kittens alias= subteams= rank=70 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 9:49 comment=
Inter Oves Locum Praesta alias= subteams= rank=71 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 10:16 comment=
Ecliptic C@r@line of /r/PictureGame alias=r/picturegame subteams= rank=72 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 10:30 comment=
PEEBers alias= subteams= rank=73 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 10:33 comment=
come back to us later alias= subteams= rank=74 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 10:51 comment=
idk maybe it's projectyl or maybe it's dan katz... SIKE it's... idk? alias= subteams= rank=75 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 11:11 comment=
17th Hour Pondering My Orb alias=17th Shard subteams= rank=76 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 11:11 comment=
The Blob Wizards alias= subteams= rank=77 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 11:33 comment=
Literally Animal Farm alias= subteams= rank=78 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 11:51 comment=
eanacra alias= subteams= rank=79 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 12:10 comment=
Tane alias= subteams= rank=80 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 12:26 comment=
Work it Make it Do it Makes us Harder Better Faster Stronger More than Hour Hour Never Ever After Work is Over Work it Make it Do it Makes us Harder Better Faster Stronger Work it harder, make it bett alias= subteams= rank=81 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 12:40 comment=
Luigi's Death Stare alias= subteams= rank=82 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 13:06 comment=
Spurious Narwhal alias= subteams= rank=83 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 13:25 comment=
끼 HANGUL SYLLABLE CONFETTO ARTIST GOROAWASE alias=⛎ UNICODE EQUIVALENCE subteams= rank=84 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 13:37 comment=
Mathemagicians: Ideal Grand Hunt Team alias= subteams= rank=85 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 13:54 comment=
The Rooibos Operation alias= subteams= rank=86 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 13:55 comment=
Mathemagicians Correctly Asserting alias= subteams= rank=87 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 14:01 comment=
英文好难啊 alias= subteams= rank=88 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 14:30 comment=
C-Sick Skis alias= subteams= rank=89 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 15:14 comment=
Stressful Shapes alias= subteams= rank=90 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 15:28 comment=
🐝 BEETAHS 🐝 alias= subteams= rank=91 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 15:31 comment=
bryce alias= subteams= rank=92 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 15:32 comment=
The best part of Projectyl was when he said "IT'S PROJECTYLIN' TIM" and Projectyl-ed all over those guys alias= subteams= rank=93 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 15:52 comment=
[URGENT] 10 SECONDS TO IMPACT alias=(URGENT) subteams= rank=94 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 16:07 comment=
noneuclidean alias= subteams= rank=95 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 16:18 comment=
something dumb alias= subteams= rank=96 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 16:23 comment=
blorp alias= subteams= rank=97 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 16:38 comment=
AMAZON EOTY JUNKRAT ONE TRICK GACHA ADDICT ACRIUS SHIRAKAMI FUBUKI #1 FAN AGU + friends alias= subteams= rank=98 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 16:40 comment=
FroDucktyl alias= subteams= rank=99 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 16:40 comment=
Famicom Bread Dispensary alias= subteams= rank=100 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 16:46 comment=
17th Light at the End of the Tunnel alias=17th Shard subteams= rank=101 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 16:54 comment=
Mad Jaqk alias= subteams= rank=102 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 17:11 comment=
Acai alias= subteams= rank=103 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 17:24 comment=
Mathemagicians making a grand entrance alias=The Mathemagicians subteams= rank=104 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 17:40 comment=
Needlessly Eating Slowly alias=NES subteams= rank=105 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 17:58 comment=
The real puzzle was the AQUANUDE we make along the way alias= subteams= rank=106 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 18:35 comment=
Conjurer Kirb alias= subteams= rank=107 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 18:43 comment=
Ultimate Brownies alias= subteams= rank=108 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 18:44 comment=
WASLaplace alias= subteams= rank=109 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 18:48 comment=
The Puzzledome alias= subteams= rank=110 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 19:02 comment=
Puzzle Gang from the BLAIQ alias= subteams= rank=111 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 19:04 comment=
brain death alias= subteams= rank=112 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 19:19 comment=
Pan-Galactic Goose Syndicate alias= subteams= rank=113 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 19:48 comment=
ghostbloods alias= subteams= rank=114 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 19:50 comment=
Endless Pastabilities alias= subteams= rank=115 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 19:57 comment=
frictionlessemu alias= subteams= rank=116 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 20:16 comment=
Aetherial Deduction alias= subteams= rank=117 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 21:06 comment=
Friday Night's Alright for Enigmatizing alias= subteams= rank=118 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 21:31 comment=
[title of team] alias=(title of team) subteams= rank=119 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 21:32 comment=
Cryptic Wizards alias= subteams= rank=120 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 21:53 comment=
thelucky🦆🦆🦆 alias= subteams= rank=121 pts=28 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 21:53 comment=
! alias= subteams= rank=122 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 22:21 comment=
Please Clap alias= subteams= rank=123 pts=30 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 22:30 comment=
Just Dogs alias= subteams= rank=124 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 22:34 comment=
🐼 Puzzled Pandas 🐼 alias= subteams= rank=125 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 22:46 comment=
Beware of Trains! alias= subteams= rank=126 pts=30 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 23:00 comment=
The giant rat that makes all of the rules alias= subteams= rank=127 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 23:00 comment=
ManateeM alias= subteams= rank=128 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 23:06 comment=
Builders' Guild alias= subteams= rank=129 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 23:13 comment=
Akumu alias= subteams= rank=130 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 23:14 comment=
Digamma alias= subteams= rank=131 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 23:27 comment=
Two Floofy Cats alias= subteams= rank=132 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 23:32 comment=
Roger's Team alias= subteams= rank=133 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 23:37 comment=
Team to be named at a later date alias= subteams= rank=134 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 11, 23:51 comment=
Mild Mild Midwest alias= subteams= rank=135 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 0:01 comment=
Taper Scintillates; Bemusement Initiated alias= subteams= rank=136 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 0:19 comment=
DragonEngineer alias= subteams= rank=137 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 0:19 comment=
The Mount Auburn Group alias= subteams= rank=138 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 0:40 comment=
Party Wizards alias= subteams= rank=139 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 0:44 comment=
Invasive Alien Species alias= subteams= rank=140 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 0:45 comment=
Black Market Beagles alias= subteams= rank=141 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 0:55 comment=
Unencrypted alias= subteams= rank=142 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 1:05 comment=
Team Conundrum alias= subteams= rank=143 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 1:46 comment=
😺 alias= subteams= rank=144 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 1:47 comment=
projectyl vomit alias= subteams= rank=145 pts=27 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 1:48 comment=
beep boop puzzles go brrr alias= subteams= rank=146 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 1:54 comment=
Pusheen Appreciation Society alias= subteams= rank=147 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 2:09 comment=
Teen Yoda alias= subteams= rank=148 pts=29 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 2:34 comment=
NullPointerException alias= subteams= rank=149 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 2:48 comment=
gravel alias= subteams= rank=150 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 2:57 comment=
Baf alias= subteams= rank=151 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 3:04 comment=
Nevermore alias= subteams= rank=152 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 3:09 comment=
Hee-ho alias= subteams= rank=153 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 3:34 comment=
Engram Decoders alias= subteams= rank=154 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 3:39 comment=
🚀🚀🚀 alias= subteams= rank=155 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 4:32 comment=
Purple Clouds alias= subteams= rank=156 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 4:35 comment=
Studio Abstract 6324 alias= subteams= rank=157 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 4:55 comment=
kon alias= subteams= rank=158 pts=27 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 5:08 comment=
a lonely piece of sushi alias= subteams= rank=159 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 5:17 comment=
Lustin' Djinn alias= subteams= rank=160 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 5:26 comment=
da hintwaiters!!! alias= subteams= rank=161 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 5:51 comment=
🌌 Warning: Stretchy Death 🦔 alias= subteams= rank=162 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 6:58 comment=
Definitely Not Jimne alias= subteams= rank=163 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 7:07 comment=
misaka mine alias= subteams= rank=164 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 8:00 comment=
generic nAME Template alias= subteams= rank=165 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 8:19 comment=
bmttoo alias= subteams= rank=166 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 8:19 comment=
10,000 onions alias= subteams= rank=167 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 8:50 comment=
InvalidDigit alias= subteams= rank=168 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 9:13 comment=
Weirditols United 2 (WUTs) alias= subteams= rank=169 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 9:15 comment=
A Man, A Plan, A Canal: Ever Given alias= subteams= rank=170 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 9:24 comment=
Warblejay alias= subteams= rank=171 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 9:31 comment=
Keep Puzzling And Nobody Exploads alias= subteams= rank=172 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 9:31 comment=
MMM alias= subteams= rank=173 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 9:52 comment=
Striketeam$$$ alias= subteams= rank=174 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 10:15 comment=
alias= subteams= rank=175 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 10:42 comment=
赛博丁真 alias= subteams= rank=176 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 11:01 comment=
Damaged Freight alias= subteams= rank=177 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 11:04 comment=
Furious Acorns alias= subteams= rank=178 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 11:14 comment=
Low Expectations alias= subteams= rank=179 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 11:15 comment=
Smooth Brain Society alias= subteams= rank=180 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 11:16 comment=
Blah Blah’s Angels alias= subteams= rank=181 pts=33 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 11:17 comment=
Cybil's Empty Nest alias= subteams= rank=182 pts=31 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 11:21 comment=
Only Solutions alias= subteams= rank=183 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 11:36 comment=
Lobsters alias= subteams= rank=184 pts=32 tb= ftime=Feb 12, 11:57 comment=
Team Bluefish alias= subteams= rank=185 pts=31 tb= ftime= comment=
PaddingtonsPuzzlers alias= subteams= rank=186 pts=31 tb= ftime= comment=
Yordles alias= subteams= rank=187 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
Lefty alias= subteams= rank=188 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
Team DelphiRune alias= subteams= rank=189 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
C4M2K alias= subteams= rank=190 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
ProgChamps alias= subteams= rank=191 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
Mentha × piperita f. citrata 'Chocolate' alias= subteams= rank=192 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
UhOh! alias= subteams= rank=193 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
Mighty Magpies alias= subteams= rank=194 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
UPSolversLone Wolf alias= subteams= rank=195 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
International meat market alias= subteams= rank=196 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
gnat sus alias= subteams= rank=197 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
The Cranktastics alias= subteams= rank=198 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
Mathemagicians Answering Grand Incisive Clues alias= subteams= rank=199 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
CranberryZing alias= subteams= rank=200 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
rootfuss alias= subteams= rank=201 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
BootyButts alias= subteams= rank=202 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
bus alias= subteams= rank=203 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
Quarks and Gluons alias= subteams= rank=204 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
Tweleve Pack alias= subteams= rank=205 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
Ornate Candle alias= subteams= rank=206 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
smartiful alias= subteams= rank=207 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
BMT For Real alias= subteams= rank=208 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
The Horizon alias= subteams= rank=209 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
喵喵喵 alias=MiaoMiaoMiao subteams= rank=210 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
Dubbas alias= subteams= rank=211 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
astronaughts ඞ alias= subteams= rank=212 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
Have You Tried Something Arbitrary alias= subteams= rank=213 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
Just-Us League alias= subteams= rank=214 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
Puzzle Buddies alias= subteams= rank=215 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
Grandiose Axolotls alias= subteams= rank=216 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
Lorum ipsum dolum sum amum, consectetum adipiscium elum alias= subteams= rank=217 pts=29 tb= ftime= comment=
boysboisboyz alias= subteams= rank=218 pts=28 tb= ftime= comment=
Pesky Pesky Gerbil Skins alias= subteams= rank=219 pts=28 tb= ftime= comment=
E-Scope Team alias= subteams= rank=220 pts=28 tb= ftime= comment=
1 Brain cell alias= subteams= rank=221 pts=28 tb= ftime= comment=
Mental Masochists alias= subteams= rank=222 pts=28 tb= ftime= comment=
puzzleHUNters alias= subteams= rank=223 pts=28 tb= ftime= comment=
Rubrica alias= subteams= rank=224 pts=28 tb= ftime= comment=
N-ything Goes (When You're On Your Own) alias= subteams= rank=225 pts=28 tb= ftime= comment=
Rua Thar Cinn alias= subteams= rank=226 pts=28 tb= ftime= comment=
It's Just Tim alias= subteams= rank=227 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
Om Nom Nom Nom alias= subteams= rank=228 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
kat2 alias= subteams= rank=229 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
STORMe308 alias= subteams= rank=230 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
Kathy + Andrew alias= subteams= rank=231 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
something fishy alias= subteams= rank=232 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
Vanadium alias= subteams= rank=233 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
Eclectic Contenders of /r/PictureGame alias=r/PictureGame subteams= rank=234 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
Enigmaddicts alias= subteams= rank=235 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
a 9" personal cheesecake alias= subteams= rank=236 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
CORKS! CORKS! CORKS! alias= subteams= rank=237 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
Trailblazers In Naming alias= subteams= rank=238 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
Enigma alias= subteams= rank=239 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
If I had a nickel for every team created before this one that has a substring of "Projectyl", I'd have three nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it keeps happening. alias= subteams= rank=240 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
The Natural 20s alias= subteams= rank=241 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
Tc alias= subteams= rank=242 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
Readers Of Unusual Size alias= subteams= rank=243 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
Evolt of TSBI alias= subteams= rank=244 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
Fish and the Monkeys alias= subteams= rank=245 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
🅱️uzzle idiots alias= subteams= rank=246 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
Have You Tried Naming Everything "Jonathan"? alias= subteams= rank=247 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
Rag Tag Puzzle Squad alias= subteams= rank=248 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
Jaws of the Leopard alias= subteams= rank=249 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
EFN alias= subteams= rank=250 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
Oozy Rat in a Sanitary Zoo alias= subteams= rank=251 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
Hold My Cocktail alias= subteams= rank=252 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
Hawkeye37 alias= subteams= rank=253 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
The 25 Venters alias= subteams= rank=254 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
Uncle Fester's Light Bulb Testers alias= subteams= rank=255 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
Ewan alias= subteams= rank=256 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
Puzzlebrains alias= subteams= rank=257 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
coming to the main stage 🗣️📢⭐ crystal violet ⭐📢🗣️ alias= subteams= rank=258 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
🐸🌿Bog Boys🌿🐸 alias= subteams= rank=259 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
45 Degrees alias= subteams= rank=260 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
Raven alias= subteams= rank=261 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
Ace of Clubs alias= subteams= rank=262 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
Our Mohs Scale Goes to 11 alias= subteams= rank=263 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
Swirly alias= subteams= rank=264 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
bookmark alias= subteams= rank=265 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
solo alias= subteams= rank=266 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
RatoLibre🐘🐘🐘 alias= subteams= rank=267 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
Indoor Thing alias= subteams= rank=268 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
The Guard Who Only Lies alias= subteams= rank=269 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
Hey, I just found this! alias= subteams= rank=270 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
Tiny the Owl Appreciation Society 🦉 alias= subteams= rank=271 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
In Case of Emergency Solve Puzzle alias= subteams= rank=272 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
Numerators alias= subteams= rank=273 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
Speculative Execution alias= subteams= rank=274 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
Yuki alias= subteams= rank=275 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
chatGPT made this team name alias= subteams= rank=276 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
The Team Does Not Exist alias= subteams= rank=277 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
Lis Team alias= subteams= rank=278 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
rory’s racing cars alias= subteams= rank=279 pts=24 tb= ftime= comment=
The ClueFinders alias= subteams= rank=280 pts=24 tb= ftime= comment=
a trashbag full of friends alias= subteams= rank=281 pts=24 tb= ftime= comment=
Extremely Curious alias= subteams= rank=282 pts=24 tb= ftime= comment=
Unlocky alias= subteams= rank=283 pts=24 tb= ftime= comment=
Gudetama: An Eggcelent Hunt alias= subteams= rank=284 pts=24 tb= ftime= comment=
Psyho alias= subteams= rank=285 pts=24 tb= ftime= comment=
Track: Coconut Pizza Hut alias= subteams= rank=286 pts=24 tb= ftime= comment=
arianators alias= subteams= rank=287 pts=24 tb= ftime= comment=
Late to the party alias= subteams= rank=288 pts=24 tb= ftime= comment=
Extremely Cryptic alias= subteams= rank=289 pts=23 tb= ftime= comment=
Grandiose Griffins alias= subteams= rank=290 pts=23 tb= ftime= comment=
QIXL alias= subteams= rank=291 pts=23 tb= ftime= comment=
BonyAnticipatesNotHavingALotofTimeForIt alias= subteams= rank=292 pts=23 tb= ftime= comment=
Gramana alias= subteams= rank=293 pts=23 tb= ftime= comment=
Lily's Puzzle Housw alias= subteams= rank=294 pts=23 tb= ftime= comment=
Gooey Butter Cake alias= subteams= rank=295 pts=23 tb= ftime= comment=
Riot Penguins alias= subteams= rank=296 pts=23 tb= ftime= comment=
ChatCGT alias= subteams= rank=297 pts=23 tb= ftime= comment=
Fantastic Four alias= subteams= rank=298 pts=23 tb= ftime= comment=
TangentOfA alias= subteams= rank=299 pts=23 tb= ftime= comment=
Mishuganders Mishugas alias= subteams= rank=300 pts=23 tb= ftime= comment=
Linusolo alias= subteams= rank=301 pts=22 tb= ftime= comment=
Stumped and Furious alias= subteams= rank=302 pts=22 tb= ftime= comment=
kwargers alias= subteams= rank=303 pts=22 tb= ftime= comment=
just some people solving some puzzles alias= subteams= rank=304 pts=22 tb= ftime= comment=
Taiga! And only Taiga alias= subteams= rank=305 pts=22 tb= ftime= comment=
Rikri alias= subteams= rank=306 pts=22 tb= ftime= comment=
Hi I'm Spec's plan alias= subteams= rank=307 pts=22 tb= ftime= comment=
HecticPuzzlers alias= subteams= rank=308 pts=22 tb= ftime= comment=
tractor alias= subteams= rank=309 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
We’re trying our best alias= subteams= rank=310 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
The Moogles alias= subteams= rank=311 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
Globe Otters alias= subteams= rank=312 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
Serindu's Crew alias= subteams= rank=313 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
Secret Chat alias= subteams= rank=314 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
April Knights alias= subteams= rank=315 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
frum1ous alias= subteams= rank=316 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
Soloing My Hints alias= subteams= rank=317 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
[{{fullurl:%25%25%%30%30|action=edit&preload=Wiki:Page_Structure/Teams}} %25%25%%30%30] alias= subteams= rank=318 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
Pershing Crew alias= subteams= rank=319 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
Mavericks alias= subteams= rank=320 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
Elephants Anonymous alias= subteams= rank=321 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
So here's a squirrel instead. alias= subteams= rank=322 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
dootdoot alias= subteams= rank=323 pts=20 tb= ftime= comment=
Simon and friends alias= subteams= rank=324 pts=20 tb= ftime= comment=
shipit-parrot.gif alias= subteams= rank=325 pts=20 tb= ftime= comment=
knotted metaphors alias= subteams= rank=326 pts=20 tb= ftime= comment=
Not Fast, Just Furious alias= subteams= rank=327 pts=20 tb= ftime= comment=
The Super Egos alias= subteams= rank=328 pts=20 tb= ftime= comment=
Puzzle Queens alias= subteams= rank=329 pts=20 tb= ftime= comment=
Sparkle Motion alias= subteams= rank=330 pts=20 tb= ftime= comment=
QD - Bronchitis Team alias= subteams= rank=331 pts=20 tb= ftime= comment=
The Potato Directive alias= subteams= rank=332 pts=20 tb= ftime= comment=
Bistromaticians alias= subteams= rank=333 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
Roger's Better Team alias= subteams= rank=334 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
Presumptuous Parakeets alias= subteams= rank=335 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
CryptoCrackers alias= subteams= rank=336 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
Ready to Fail alias= subteams= rank=337 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
Friends of Charlie Blast alias= subteams= rank=338 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
Copper Corsairs alias= subteams= rank=339 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
Tototori alias= subteams= rank=340 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
Team Trapezoid alias= subteams= rank=341 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
TCHO TCHO CAT alias= subteams= rank=342 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
Hyperspace alias= subteams= rank=343 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
Team Power Hour alias= subteams= rank=344 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
Aardvark Adventurers (first in the phone book) alias= subteams= rank=345 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
Large Team the Size of a Small Team alias= subteams= rank=346 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
DeerlyDerby alias= subteams= rank=347 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
HonkQuackCaw alias= subteams= rank=348 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
天天摸鱼争取过一区队 alias= subteams= rank=349 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
Lil Stoop alias= subteams= rank=350 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
Donuts alias= subteams= rank=351 pts=18 tb= ftime= comment=
Chill Girl Winter alias= subteams= rank=352 pts=18 tb= ftime= comment=
Luna's Lackey alias= subteams= rank=353 pts=18 tb= ftime= comment=
MAJK alias= subteams= rank=354 pts=18 tb= ftime= comment=
Telestic TiKi alias= subteams= rank=355 pts=18 tb= ftime= comment=
Unbirthday Partiers alias= subteams= rank=356 pts=18 tb= ftime= comment=
Just Zis Guy, Y'Know? alias= subteams= rank=357 pts=18 tb= ftime= comment=
solid, liquid, gas alias= subteams= rank=358 pts=18 tb= ftime= comment=
dotz alias= subteams= rank=359 pts=18 tb= ftime= comment=
Haus alias= subteams= rank=360 pts=18 tb= ftime= comment=
Team Muppets alias= subteams= rank=361 pts=18 tb= ftime= comment=
SweetAngst alias= subteams= rank=362 pts=18 tb= ftime= comment=
tableflip alias= subteams= rank=363 pts=18 tb= ftime= comment=
r3mark alias= subteams= rank=364 pts=17 tb= ftime= comment=
Soap Yourself alias= subteams= rank=365 pts=17 tb= ftime= comment=
gehenna alias= subteams= rank=366 pts=17 tb= ftime= comment=
solonius monk alias= subteams= rank=367 pts=17 tb= ftime= comment=
The Funky Town Monkey Pimps alias= subteams= rank=368 pts=17 tb= ftime= comment=
endymion alias= subteams= rank=369 pts=17 tb= ftime= comment=
msl001 solo adventure alias= subteams= rank=370 pts=17 tb= ftime= comment=
Elvis alias= subteams= rank=371 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
Marvelous Millers alias= subteams= rank=372 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
Cougar Puzzlers alias= subteams= rank=373 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
puzzling4fun alias= subteams= rank=374 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
A Team in Name Only alias= subteams= rank=375 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
Lemmons Loop alias= subteams= rank=376 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
少年真瘫团 alias= subteams= rank=377 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
Hand Grunt Tigidal alias= subteams= rank=378 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
Dynamite Applications alias= subteams= rank=379 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
RustyLakeOP alias= subteams= rank=380 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
The San Martians alias= subteams= rank=381 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
The Runcible Wumboes alias= subteams= rank=382 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
Jack Silver Heart alias= subteams= rank=383 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
bob alias= subteams= rank=384 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
Rainbow Ravens alias= subteams= rank=385 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
Sennin alias= subteams= rank=386 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
The Doctors Riverharp alias= subteams= rank=387 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
Just An Embarrassment alias= subteams= rank=388 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
Final Fantasy VIII is better than Final Fantasy VII alias= subteams= rank=389 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
jon alias= subteams= rank=390 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
The 86'd alias= subteams= rank=391 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
Daphne Blake Investigates alias= subteams= rank=392 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
Secret team J alias= subteams= rank=393 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
caffiends alias= subteams= rank=394 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
Cat Girls alias= subteams= rank=395 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
Meddling Kids alias= subteams= rank=396 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
Karamel Zeezaad alias= subteams= rank=397 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
eorahn alias= subteams= rank=398 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
Special Task Force: Unicorn alias= subteams= rank=399 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
Lawndalians alias= subteams= rank=400 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
Sush'ipo alias= subteams= rank=401 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
Abysmal Chunks alias= subteams= rank=402 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
tadpoles alias= subteams= rank=403 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
Team Jo alias= subteams= rank=404 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
Second Breakfast Club alias= subteams= rank=405 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
Gli Irregolari di Baker Street alias= subteams= rank=406 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
Galilean Transformation alias= subteams= rank=407 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
Neshy alias= subteams= rank=408 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
les bogoss de sainté alias= subteams= rank=409 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
TooKlyKly alias= subteams= rank=410 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
Elemental Guessing Machine alias= subteams= rank=411 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
I Don't Know alias= subteams= rank=412 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
Puzzle People alias= subteams= rank=413 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
The Steely Six alias= subteams= rank=414 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
team name redacted alias= subteams= rank=415 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
Sleepy Raccoon alias= subteams= rank=416 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
Ian’s Kids alias= subteams= rank=417 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
koalapenguin alias= subteams= rank=418 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
Tapioca alias= subteams= rank=419 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
Homers Imps, ON alias= subteams= rank=420 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
Religion Collision alias= subteams= rank=421 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
My Weekend is Tater Tots and This alias= subteams= rank=422 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
Potato alias= subteams= rank=423 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
Dunk the Lunk alias= subteams= rank=424 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
Turtle alias= subteams= rank=425 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
Florida Puzzle Krewe alias= subteams= rank=426 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
The Siren, the Wit, & the Winstophobe alias= subteams= rank=427 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
TransViet Musketeers alias= subteams= rank=428 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
cornchak alias= subteams= rank=429 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
PokerFaz alias= subteams= rank=430 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
ZeebersTTV alias= subteams= rank=431 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
banandicutes alias= subteams= rank=432 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
Just_Me alias= subteams= rank=433 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
McLawesome alias= subteams= rank=434 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
Un Trésor à Paris 🤠 alias= subteams= rank=435 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
WAPA alias= subteams= rank=436 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
Dog Sharks alias= subteams= rank=437 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
Sagacioussags alias= subteams= rank=438 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
Nakedandalone alias= subteams= rank=439 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
The Librarians alias= subteams= rank=440 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
withabambipurse alias= subteams= rank=441 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
TCM alias= subteams= rank=442 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
Kelsi alias= subteams= rank=443 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
nips4eyes alias= subteams= rank=444 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
JoelBlundell alias= subteams= rank=445 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
Chicken & ROFLs alias= subteams= rank=446 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
Oodelally alias= subteams= rank=447 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
Livin' Covida Loca alias= subteams= rank=448 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
West alias= subteams= rank=449 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
Yumping Ymminys alias= subteams= rank=450 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
Sloopertroup alias= subteams= rank=451 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
班尼观光团 alias= subteams= rank=452 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
iwantwatermelon alias= subteams= rank=453 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
Curious_Limpet alias= subteams= rank=454 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
earendils alias= subteams= rank=455 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
🌵 alias= subteams= rank=456 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
Those Johnston Kids alias= subteams= rank=457 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
The Malakas alias= subteams= rank=458 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
ThatOneTeam alias= subteams= rank=459 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
willwam alias= subteams= rank=460 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
WeHumanOwls alias= subteams= rank=461 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Big Poopin' Baddies alias= subteams= rank=462 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
scrolling down could solve you up to fifteen puzzles or more alias= subteams= rank=463 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Eponymous Crimson alias= subteams= rank=464 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
DoubleFelix alias= subteams= rank=465 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
snowdozer alias= subteams= rank=466 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
InaneQuark alias= subteams= rank=467 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
doraezeen alias= subteams= rank=468 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
h25 alias= subteams= rank=469 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Puzzle Guzzlers alias= subteams= rank=470 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
doktorinjh alias= subteams= rank=471 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Corgi Party Puzzle Posse alias= subteams= rank=472 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Humpatagus alias= subteams= rank=473 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Kimbermount alias= subteams= rank=474 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Motozilla alias= subteams= rank=475 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
☞ JUST INDEX alias= subteams= rank=476 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
red&purple alias= subteams= rank=477 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Liske alias= subteams= rank=478 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Snumon alias= subteams= rank=479 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
ExpertLoser alias= subteams= rank=480 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
HighFive alias= subteams= rank=481 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
The Control Group alias= subteams= rank=482 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Puzzleface alias= subteams= rank=483 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Anyone's Guess alias= subteams= rank=484 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Flauschfloss alias= subteams= rank=485 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
lemon lime and bitters alias= subteams= rank=486 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
FalmouthBumHeads alias= subteams= rank=487 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
LemurMadness alias= subteams= rank=488 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Valmorei alias= subteams= rank=489 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Fresh alias= subteams= rank=490 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Wasted Tomatoes alias= subteams= rank=491 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
REMOTELONE alias= subteams= rank=492 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Tarot Your Boat alias= subteams= rank=493 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
3.141592654 alias= subteams= rank=494 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
Y'all, it's spelt "projectile". You all look very silly right about now. alias= subteams= rank=495 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Jalatris alias= subteams= rank=496 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Don't Cry for Me Argentina Belcher alias= subteams= rank=497 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Perduts alias= subteams= rank=498 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Dutch Courage alias= subteams= rank=499 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Febulous hunters alias= subteams= rank=500 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Lone Puzzlecat alias= subteams= rank=501 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Laus Locked Up alias= subteams= rank=502 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Team KFC alias= subteams= rank=503 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
hoehoefin alias= subteams= rank=504 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Cult of Idiotic Avians alias= subteams= rank=505 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
MeAndAllMyFriends alias= subteams= rank=506 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Totally Not Robots alias= subteams= rank=507 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
hizami alias= subteams= rank=508 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
sunib alias= subteams= rank=509 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
EdwardLZweyer alias= subteams= rank=510 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Squib Squad alias= subteams= rank=511 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Sarahmontana alias= subteams= rank=512 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Voidlings alias= subteams= rank=513 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
The All-Star Team alias= subteams= rank=514 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
1.00E+00 alias= subteams= rank=515 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Bugcat alias= subteams= rank=516 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
[{{fullurl:main String[] arrrrrrghs|action=edit&preload=Wiki:Page_Structure/Teams}} main String[] arrrrrrghs] alias= subteams= rank=517 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Precarious alias= subteams= rank=518 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
A Solo Gremlin alias= subteams= rank=519 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Pruimenboom alias= subteams= rank=520 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Zahrl Beta alias= subteams= rank=521 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
chubsters alias= subteams= rank=522 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Team Soesterberg alias= subteams= rank=523 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Mashley alias= subteams= rank=524 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
Mercury and Retrograde alias= subteams= rank=525 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
ky alias= subteams= rank=526 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
UIT Arctic alias= subteams= rank=527 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
gold alias= subteams= rank=528 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Patton5 alias= subteams= rank=529 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
jeff's jaboticabas alias= subteams= rank=530 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Waffletown alias= subteams= rank=531 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Sedho alias= subteams= rank=532 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
BIG alias= subteams= rank=533 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
thefools alias= subteams= rank=534 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Kusane's Solving Alone This Year Too! alias= subteams= rank=535 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Townies alias= subteams= rank=536 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Sweet llama alias= subteams= rank=537 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Donnie_narco alias= subteams= rank=538 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Potatoes With Legs alias= subteams= rank=539 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Hodgepodge alias= subteams= rank=540 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
mizu alias= subteams= rank=541 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
ScorpienneMission alias= subteams= rank=542 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Waldorks alias= subteams= rank=543 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
fbh alias= subteams= rank=544 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Puzzlebees alias= subteams= rank=545 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Singles Ready to Stay Inside alias= subteams= rank=546 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Owl be back! alias= subteams= rank=547 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Matt Ashwood alias= subteams= rank=548 pts=10 tb= ftime= comment=
Maybe I'll Even Get Around to Solving Some of These Puzzles alias= subteams= rank=549 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
The Cyber Sleuths alias= subteams= rank=550 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
Antoine alias= subteams= rank=551 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
SaltyCDog alias= subteams= rank=552 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
IR Spectrum alias= subteams= rank=553 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
sick02 alias= subteams= rank=554 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
Team Anonymous alias= subteams= rank=555 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
I_penguins alias= subteams= rank=556 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
Sprout alias= subteams= rank=557 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
中华汉字脑洞协会 alias= subteams= rank=558 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
DaReedos alias= subteams= rank=559 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
leavesdrop alias= subteams= rank=560 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
Minimilizo alias= subteams= rank=561 pts=8 tb= ftime= comment=
Batman alias= subteams= rank=562 pts=8 tb= ftime= comment=
WS alias= subteams= rank=563 pts=8 tb= ftime= comment=
ν World Order alias= subteams= rank=564 pts=8 tb= ftime= comment=
Bimble alias= subteams= rank=565 pts=8 tb= ftime= comment=
HavinFun alias= subteams= rank=566 pts=8 tb= ftime= comment=
Person-at-Legs alias= subteams= rank=567 pts=8 tb= ftime= comment=
Meek Inheritors Gone Feral alias= subteams= rank=568 pts=8 tb= ftime= comment=
moonj alias= subteams= rank=569 pts=8 tb= ftime= comment=
Oogabooga alias= subteams= rank=570 pts=8 tb= ftime= comment=
Ned alias= subteams= rank=571 pts=8 tb= ftime= comment=
nekoteam alias= subteams= rank=572 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Mind Over Matter alias= subteams= rank=573 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Diamond and Carbuncle alias= subteams= rank=574 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
a a a alias= subteams= rank=575 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Team Odin alias= subteams= rank=576 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Pink Venom alias= subteams= rank=577 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
󰁌 SUPPLEMENTARY PRIVATE USE AREA SYMBOL LACKING IN DEFINITION alias= subteams= rank=578 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Donkey alias= subteams= rank=579 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Derank Central alias= subteams= rank=580 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Squeek Dunk alias= subteams= rank=581 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
The Real GrubbHub alias= subteams= rank=582 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Z Crew alias= subteams= rank=583 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Nonamecrew alias= subteams= rank=584 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
donkeywonkey alias= subteams= rank=585 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
TeamOfTeams alias= subteams= rank=586 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Potential Raffle Winners alias= subteams= rank=587 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Purple Guava alias= subteams= rank=588 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Mommel alias= subteams= rank=589 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Better late than never alias= subteams= rank=590 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Snuggle Dumplings alias= subteams= rank=591 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
MeliaBerger alias= subteams= rank=592 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
Thinkitout alias= subteams= rank=593 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
Playing TI4 alias= subteams= rank=594 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
No Self-Respecting Team Would Have A Team Name Be This Long-Winded But Look At Us Now! alias= subteams= rank=595 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
7 Grand Hunt alias= subteams= rank=596 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
Wuture alias= subteams= rank=597 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
Immersis alias= subteams= rank=598 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
Puzzles are my Happy Place alias= subteams= rank=599 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
Team Daela alias= subteams= rank=600 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
Team Tangleroot alias= subteams= rank=601 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
candley alias= subteams= rank=602 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
Archers Lane Hunters alias= subteams= rank=603 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
LambdaLasers alias= subteams= rank=604 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
Dumb and Dumber alias= subteams= rank=605 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
Team Aussie alias= subteams= rank=606 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
Adventurous Clownfish alias= subteams= rank=607 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
Bebe and Bebe alias= subteams= rank=608 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
Remnant Stew Podcast alias= subteams= rank=609 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
Shiba Club alias= subteams= rank=610 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
Bibliophiles alias= subteams= rank=611 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
Ellebee alias= subteams= rank=612 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
Tikatika alias= subteams= rank=613 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
🦵🏈 Puzzle Punters 🦵🏈 alias= subteams= rank=614 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
Guesstimators International alias= subteams= rank=615 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
Spyro Squad alias= subteams= rank=616 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
twilight alias= subteams= rank=617 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
Feral Bee alias= subteams= rank=618 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
_ChGKshniki_ alias= subteams= rank=619 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
Lumen alias= subteams= rank=620 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
Schonezussies alias= subteams= rank=621 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
The Intermittent Puzzlers alias= subteams= rank=622 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
Escaping Disaster alias= subteams= rank=623 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
Valycel alias= subteams= rank=624 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
tim 7 alias= subteams= rank=625 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
The Soulforged alias= subteams= rank=626 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
酱油 alias= subteams= rank=627 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
Gryfferin alias= subteams= rank=628 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
James Bifflestaff Thurlington III, Esq. alias= subteams= rank=629 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
Gu3n0 alias= subteams= rank=630 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
ME MYSELF & I alias= subteams= rank=631 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
海人 alias= subteams= rank=632 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
Kale’d It!! alias= subteams= rank=633 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
wizard alias= subteams= rank=634 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
Chaos alias= subteams= rank=635 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
30 to 50 Feral Hogs alias= subteams= rank=636 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
The Labyrinthians alias= subteams= rank=637 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
I'mProbabyGettingAheadOfMyselfButI'mSoPUMPED alias= subteams= rank=638 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
Blackwood alias= subteams= rank=639 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
laidback campers alias= subteams= rank=640 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
team fruitbat alias= subteams= rank=641 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
Bowicks alias= subteams= rank=642 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
Roelonkas alias= subteams= rank=643 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
CT alias= subteams= rank=644 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
Pentagon alias= subteams= rank=645 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
cup_of_team alias= subteams= rank=646 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
The German Gumshoes alias= subteams= rank=647 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
The Cling alias= subteams= rank=648 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
Ucalegon alias= subteams= rank=649 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
Dracula's second cousin once removed alias= subteams= rank=650 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
literally a rock alias= subteams= rank=651 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
Rhinos alias= subteams= rank=652 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
Squiggledy Poofs alias= subteams= rank=653 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
Abhi alias= subteams= rank=654 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
TayHat alias= subteams= rank=655 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
I Know Who Jason Biggs Is alias= subteams= rank=656 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
alaroz alias= subteams= rank=657 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
teamlighthouse alias= subteams= rank=658 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
这里是一个队伍 alias= subteams= rank=659 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
Fundemonium Kenya alias= subteams= rank=660 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
Moshouse alias= subteams= rank=661 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
Team Pants alias= subteams= rank=662 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
JackNet alias= subteams= rank=663 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
Les Petits Corgis alias= subteams= rank=664 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
CPPPHC alias= subteams= rank=665 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
Want fries with that? alias= subteams= rank=666 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
goats alias= subteams= rank=667 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
BFNLL alias= subteams= rank=668 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
DazWontWin alias= subteams= rank=669 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
Issa alias= subteams= rank=670 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
Calkinscrackingcodes alias= subteams= rank=671 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
my_machine_ alias= subteams= rank=672 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
D.O.C. alias= subteams= rank=673 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
HarveyGypsyWagon alias= subteams= rank=674 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
beangirls alias= subteams= rank=675 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
ConAdvent alias= subteams= rank=676 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
The Architect alias= subteams= rank=677 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
Hound Dogs alias= subteams= rank=678 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
Jay:) alias= subteams= rank=679 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
Big Red Fiasco alias= subteams= rank=680 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
Octo's Emporium alias= subteams= rank=681 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
Happy Men alias= subteams= rank=682 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
Na alias= subteams= rank=683 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
Strong Pie Game alias= subteams= rank=684 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
Danger Sparkles alias= subteams= rank=685 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
Scallops2Go alias= subteams= rank=686 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
The Endoris alias= subteams= rank=687 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
vid811 alias= subteams= rank=688 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
Cincinnati Fire Kites alias= subteams= rank=689 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
cacateam alias= subteams= rank=690 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
Monster alias= subteams= rank=691 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
Zing&Pepp alias= subteams= rank=692 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
usquepipiabat alias= subteams= rank=693 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
Twisted Flax alias= subteams= rank=694 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
only got 4 minutes alias= subteams= rank=695 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
Grand Central alias= subteams= rank=696 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
DKAlick alias= subteams= rank=697 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
ENCHING TO FINISH alias= subteams= rank=698 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
Guweiz alias= subteams= rank=699 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
Somebody Somewhere alias= subteams= rank=700 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
team moment??!??!??!?! alias= subteams= rank=701 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
sesame cat alias= subteams= rank=702 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
The Puffins alias= subteams= rank=703 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
Duck Duck Grey Duck alias= subteams= rank=704 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
Spaghet alias= subteams= rank=705 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
Puruspuss alias= subteams= rank=706 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
MsMino alias= subteams= rank=707 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
RandomAdventurers alias= subteams= rank=708 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
cheese alias= subteams= rank=709 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
bighunter alias= subteams= rank=710 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
Pri alias= subteams= rank=711 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
Tykers alias= subteams= rank=712 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
WordNerdBird alias= subteams= rank=713 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
Savoury Clouds alias= subteams= rank=714 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
Wasted Sleuths alias= subteams= rank=715 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=