Microsoft Puzzlehunt 2023

(Redirected from MSPH23)
Microsoft Puzzlehunt 2023
No. of Registered Teams398
Winning Teami'm going to be out of country for 10 days starting tomorrow so i'll drop some terrible team name ideas here to get the pot going (don't use them):
No. of Rounds11
No. of Puzzles (Feeders and Metas)118
Timeframe and Location
Start Time6 May 2023, 10:05 AM PDT
Finishing Time (Winning Team)6 May 2023, 9:45 PM PDT
Official End Time7 May 2023, 8:00 PM PDT
Hunt LinkLink
Kickoff LinkLink
Microsoft Puzzlehunt Chronology

Puzzle University, also known as Microsoft Puzzlehunt 2023 or Microsoft Puzzlehunt 23, was an online-only puzzle hunt that was open to completely non-Microsoft-affiliated teams, unlike most iterations of the Microsoft Puzzlehunt which have a requirement on the number of blue-badges (Microsoft employees) per team and are traditionally run on the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Washington.

Puzzle University is available as a fully-functional static site at, including unlocks and simulators for all interactive puzzles.

List of Rounds[edit | edit source]

Round Title Number of Feeder Puzzles Number of Metapuzzles
Placement Test 20 2
Economics 9 1
Music 8 1
English 6Click to reveal12 answers, since each puzzle has two answers 1
History 6 1
Computer Science 4Click to reveal17 answers, each puzzle is a function call and you need to evaluate them at 4-5 values 1
Mathematics 7 1
Classics 8 3
Sociology 10 1
Interludes 8 0

Reviews and write-ups[edit | edit source]

From solvers[edit | edit source]

Leaderboard[edit | edit source]

Rank Team Solves Finish Time
1 i'm going to be out of country for 10 days starting tomorrow so i'll drop some terrible team name ideas here to get the pot going (don't use them): 118 2024-05-06 9:45:00 PM
2 🎓🎓🎓 Scholastic Trendsetters 🎓🎓🎓 118 2024-05-07 1:38:00 AM
3 🔠🔠🔠 Stochastic Test-guessers 🎲🎲🎲 118 2024-05-07 2:09:00 AM
4 Have you tried...? • Get help with solving the puzzle • Just solve the puzzle without help ◻️ Don't show me this tip again 109 2024-05-07 2:52:00 AM
5 Intercollegiates So Meta Even This Acronym 118 2024-05-07 5:52:00 AM
7 17th Consecutive All-Nighter 118 2024-05-07 1:29:00 PM
8 Escape Characters of \r\PictureGame 113 2024-05-07 2:40:00 PM
9 Plughology 101 98 2024-05-07 3:18:00 PM
10 🌮🌮taquito 111 2024-05-07 4:05:00 PM
11 Mathemagicians’ Seminars Prioritise Hex 116 2024-05-07 4:51:00 PM
12 Teachers' Salaries Better Increase! 112 2024-05-07 6:09:00 PM
13 Peaked in Puzzle High School 110 2024-05-07 6:19:00 PM
14 PLAFTET 118 2024-05-07 6:42:00 PM
15 Disassociating in the Olive Garden Bathroom 114 2024-05-07 7:03:00 PM
16 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 109 2024-05-07 8:00:00 PM
17 L’Académie TLA 109
18 Museum of School Flavored Things 105
19 Objects in Mirror 102
20 Libra Complexity 100
21 The Blob Wizards 100
22 Mathemagicians Attend Graduation in Capes 100
23 The Silly Hat Brigade 100
24 Needlessly Eating Skype 98
25 Boxfort Brigands 96
26 Buzz Lime Pi 93
27 leannEMAThtournament 93
28 Narwhal-Eager Sailors 91
29 PonX 90
30 The Usual Suspects 89

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