Shardhunt | |
Running Team | 17th Shard |
No. of Registered Teams | 410 |
Winning Team | 🌞💧💀 Galactic Trendespers 🌞💧💀 |
No. of Rounds | 3 |
No. of Puzzles (Feeders and Metas) | 30 |
Timeframe and Location | |
Start Time | July 28 2023, 6:00 PM EDT |
Finishing Time (Winning Team) | July 29 2023, 2:34 AM EDT |
Official End Time | August 6 2023, 9:00 PM EDT |
Links | |
Hunt Link | Link |
Shardhunt was a puzzlehunt run by 17th Shard. The hunt was run from 28th July 2023. There were 3 rounds and 30 puzzles in total. The theme of the hunt was exploring a large library based on The Library of Babel, with several puzzles requiring the use of an interactive library. Every puzzle was shown as a book, and the 3 rounds are 3 floors of the library. The meta to each round was unlocked at the start of each round. 410 teams joined the hunt, and 103 teams solved the final runaround, finishing the hunt.
The hunt was preceded by Shardhunt 0, a little-publicized puzzle hunt hosted on a Discord server and a thread in the 17th Shard forums.[1]
List of Puzzles[edit | edit source]
Floor 1 (Round 1)[edit | edit source]
- Ha! That's a Classic!
- Join, or Die
- Backbeat
- ████████
- Spelunking
- The Only Sanderson Puzzle
- Meta: Marked Books
Floor 2 (Round 2)[edit | edit source]
- The State Puzzle
- Identification
- Pushing the Rules
- Cryptic Crossing
- It's Your Turn
- KarAO3ke
- Rovers
- Interplanetary Hopper
- Meta: Flexibility
Floor 3 (Round 3)[edit | edit source]
- Greetings
- Poly Lines
- Through the Looking-Glass
- The Launch of This Puzzle Has Been Delayed
- Flight of the Babelbees
- 🔍🔍🔍
- Eight Cells
- Folk Wisdom
- How the Turntables
- Elementary
- Sandwich Shop
- Meta: The Death of the Library
- Runaround -
Reviews and Write Ups[edit | edit source]
- Cute Mage - Just @ Me Next Time
Leaderboard[edit | edit source]