Caltech Puzzle Hunt 2018

Caltech Puzzle Hunt 2018
Running TeamTeam To Be Named Later
Winning Team✈️✈️✈️ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ✈️✈️✈️
Timeframe and Location
LocationOnline and Caltech
Hunt LinkLink

Caltech Puzzle Hunt 2018 was a puzzle hunt loosely organized by some members of Team To Be Named Later. The theme of the puzzle hunt, at least after the intro round, was the book The Phantom Tollbooth. The first team to finish the hunt (before the runaround) was ✈️✈️✈️ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ✈️✈️✈️, who finished the hunt on December 2, 10:40 PM. Test Solution Bees Ignore was the first team to finish the physical runaround.

List of Rounds[edit | edit source]

Round Title Number of Feeder Puzzles Number of Metapuzzles
Lazy Afternoon 7 1
Kingdom of Wisdom 41 4
Conclusions 35 1
Final Runaround

Leaderboard[edit | edit source]

Rank Team Points Finish Time
1 ✈️✈️✈️ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ✈️✈️✈️ 1,095 2018-12-02 10:40:00 PM
2 Test Solution Bees Ignore 1,625 2018-12-02 11:17:00 PM
3 Just-Us League 1,625 2018-12-04 7:26:00 PM
4 Cardinality 1,095 2018-12-05 10:10:00 PM
5 clAM TEch 1,525 2018-12-07 4:08:00 PM
6 also need teamname -- will use first suggestion that gets a like 1,095 2018-12-09 3:29:00 PM
7 The Extremely Confused of /r/PictureGame 2,125 2018-12-09 8:39:00 PM
8 Eggplant Parms 1,045 2018-12-09 9:51:00 AM
9 A Swarm of Angry Bees 1,085 2018-12-10 11:54:00 AM
10 Pluru 1,045 2018-12-13 8:40:00 AM
11 Golden Ticket 1,045 2018-12-15 1:55:00 PM
12 Ogopogo 1,115 2018-12-15 10:13:00 AM
13 Projectyl is Probably Gonna Regret This 1,075 2018-12-16 1:16:00 PM
14 GeoPuzzlers 1,045 2018-12-16 2:43:00 PM
15 Just for the Calibut 1,030 2018-12-16 2:52:00 PM
16 The Puzzledome 1,035 2018-12-16 3:22:00 PM
17 That's rough, buddy 1,045 2018-12-16 7:44:00 PM
18 Tweleve Pack 1,073 2018-12-16 9:40:00 PM
19 Kevin 850 2018-12-17 10:05:00 AM
20 The Wombats 1,045 2018-12-17 12:50:00 AM
21 Flower Power 1,025 2018-12-17 9:02:00 AM
22 Frumious Bandersnatch 505
23 Dragons are not friggin' windchimes 505
24 Duck Soup 495
25 The Inedibles 445
26 Is ice water water? 408
27 Water Buffalo Water Buffalo Water Buffalo Buffalo 404
28 ✈️✈️✈️Galactic Trendsetters✈️✈️✈️ 385
29 Count Twice, Solve Once 369
30 Puzzkill 367

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