Data:MIT Mystery Hunt 2020

This data page is for the hunt MIT Mystery Hunt 2020, which was run on 2020-01-17 and is part of the MIT Mystery Hunt franchise.
For instructions on how to update Data: namespace pages, see Wiki:Hunt Leaderboards.

Left Out alias= subteams= rank=-1 pts= tb= ftime= comment=
trendsetters alias=✈✈✈ Galactic Trendsetters ✈✈✈ subteams= rank=1 pts=176 tb= ftime=1/19/2020 13:54:15 comment=
palindrome alias= subteams= rank=2 pts=172 tb= ftime=1/19/2020 15:29:45 comment=
teammate alias= subteams= rank=3 pts=174 tb= ftime= comment=
ttbnl alias=Team To Be Named Later subteams= rank=4 pts=171 tb= ftime= comment=
deathandmayhem alias=Death and Mayhem subteams= rank=5 pts=170 tb= ftime= comment=
ignorethebees alias=Test Solution Bees Ignore subteams= rank=6 pts=165 tb= ftime= comment=
setec alias=Setec Astronomy subteams= rank=7 pts=151 tb= ftime= comment=
Codex Argenteus alias=Codex subteams= rank=8 pts=138 tb= ftime= comment=
rage alias= subteams= rank=9 pts=130 tb= ftime= comment=
unitedstatescensus alias=Alice Shrugged subteams= rank=10 pts=128 tb= ftime= comment=
superteamawesome alias=Super Team Awesome subteams= rank=11 pts=121 tb= ftime= comment=
thelorax alias=Hunches in Bunches subteams= rank=12 pts=112 tb= ftime= comment=
uplate alias=Up Late subteams= rank=13 pts=110 tb= ftime= comment=
waltkidney alias=The Providence Transplantations subteams= rank=14 pts=100 tb= ftime= comment=
plant alias=Metaphysical Plant subteams= rank=15 pts=97 tb= ftime= comment=
simhunt alias=Wafflehaüs subteams= rank=16 pts=93 tb= ftime= comment=
cservices alias=Central Services subteams= rank=17 pts=91 tb= ftime= comment=
ange alias=Ange Management subteams= rank=18 pts=90 tb= ftime= comment=
frumious alias=Frumious Bandersnatch subteams= rank=19 pts=88 tb= ftime= comment=
iif alias=Immoral, Illegal & Fattening subteams= rank=20 pts=86 tb= ftime= comment=
halibass alias=Halibut that Bass subteams= rank=21 pts=82 tb= ftime= comment=
cardinality alias= subteams= rank=22 pts=80 tb= ftime= comment=
etphoneinanswer alias=ET Phone in Answer subteams= rank=23 pts=74 tb= ftime= comment=
unseen alias=Team Unseen subteams= rank=24 pts=73 tb= ftime= comment=
amateurhour alias=Amateur Hour subteams= rank=25 pts=68 tb= ftime= comment=
ducksoup alias=Duck Soup subteams= rank=26 pts=66 tb= ftime= comment=
teamchaos alias=☃ subteams= rank=27 pts=64 tb= ftime= comment=
scalespolishfloppy alias=3emoji subteams= rank=28 pts=63 tb= ftime= comment=
jarthur alias=Random subteams= rank=29 pts=62 tb= ftime= comment=
llamas alias=Llama subteams= rank=30 pts=58 tb= ftime= comment=
nes alias=NES subteams= rank=31 pts=57 tb= ftime= comment=
lexingtons alias=The Lexingtons subteams= rank=32 pts=54 tb= ftime= comment=
ladderdogs alias=Ladder Dogs subteams= rank=33 pts=52 tb= ftime= comment=
donnerhunt alias=Donner Party of N subteams= rank=34 pts=52 tb= ftime= comment=
planetix alias=Plane Tickets are Expensive subteams= rank=35 pts=52 tb= ftime= comment=
omnomnomnom alias=Om Nom Nom Nom subteams= rank=36 pts=51 tb= ftime= comment=
controlgroup alias=Control Group subteams= rank=37 pts=48 tb= ftime= comment=
occam alias=Occam's Depilatory Gel subteams= rank=38 pts=45 tb= ftime= comment=
sg alias= subteams= rank=39 pts=45 tb= ftime= comment=
singles alias=Singles Ready to Stay Inside subteams= rank=40 pts=41 tb= ftime= comment=
notaplanet alias=I'm not a planet either subteams= rank=41 pts=39 tb= ftime= comment=
showerpomelo alias=Shower Pomelo subteams= rank=42 pts=33 tb= ftime= comment=
puzzkill alias= subteams= rank=43 pts=32 tb= ftime= comment=
love alias=Grand Unified Theory of Love subteams= rank=44 pts=31 tb= ftime= comment=
chlorinatedkoi alias= subteams= rank=45 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
dootdoot alias= subteams= rank=46 pts=30 tb= ftime= comment=
blackdynamite alias=Black Dynamite subteams= rank=47 pts=28 tb= ftime= comment=
rtchunt alias=Relatively Theoretical Constructs subteams= rank=48 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
penn alias= subteams= rank=49 pts=27 tb= ftime= comment=
puzzledome alias= subteams= rank=50 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
readers alias=Left as an Exercise for the Reader subteams= rank=51 pts=26 tb= ftime= comment=
manateem alias=ManateeM subteams= rank=52 pts=25 tb= ftime= comment=
sleipnirs alias=Sleipnir's Wranglers subteams= rank=53 pts=24 tb= ftime= comment=
bah_interlopers alias=BAH Interlopers subteams= rank=54 pts=24 tb= ftime= comment=
tetacetera alias= subteams= rank=55 pts=22 tb= ftime= comment=
offinthelab alias=Off in the Lab subteams= rank=56 pts=22 tb= ftime= comment=
luigi alias=Luigi's Death Stare subteams= rank=57 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
mathcamp alias= subteams= rank=58 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
elendel alias= subteams= rank=59 pts=21 tb= ftime= comment=
nope alias= subteams= rank=60 pts=20 tb= ftime= comment=
belmonsters alias= subteams= rank=61 pts=20 tb= ftime= comment=
blazers alias= subteams= rank=62 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
resistance alias= subteams= rank=63 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
sweerpotato alias= subteams= rank=64 pts=19 tb= ftime= comment=
2mystere alias= subteams= rank=65 pts=18 tb= ftime= comment=
bobasaurs alias= subteams= rank=66 pts=17 tb= ftime= comment=
sisterraucous alias= subteams= rank=67 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
arcane alias= subteams= rank=68 pts=16 tb= ftime= comment=
iamgrootchador alias= subteams= rank=69 pts=15 tb= ftime= comment=
kenyu alias= subteams= rank=70 pts=14 tb= ftime= comment=
chicken alias= subteams= rank=71 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
hub2020 alias= subteams= rank=72 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
wolfchalicelodge alias= subteams= rank=73 pts=13 tb= ftime= comment=
fishterious alias= subteams= rank=74 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
teamwebscale alias= subteams= rank=75 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
highfive alias= subteams= rank=76 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
nasfa alias= subteams= rank=77 pts=12 tb= ftime= comment=
bigspoop alias= subteams= rank=78 pts=11 tb= ftime= comment=
captaindinosaur alias= subteams= rank=79 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
conductionband alias= subteams= rank=80 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
quizquiztofferson alias= subteams= rank=81 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
partywizards alias= subteams= rank=82 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
fury alias= subteams= rank=83 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
ustrying alias= subteams= rank=84 pts=9 tb= ftime= comment=
biggamehunters alias= subteams= rank=85 pts=8 tb= ftime= comment=
uchicago alias= subteams= rank=86 pts=8 tb= ftime= comment=
sorrymom alias= subteams= rank=87 pts=8 tb= ftime= comment=
teamplaidthong alias= subteams= rank=88 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
unclearengineers alias= subteams= rank=89 pts=7 tb= ftime= comment=
intermittentpuzzlers alias= subteams= rank=90 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
urgent alias= subteams= rank=91 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
suckers alias= subteams= rank=92 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
venividiwiki alias= subteams= rank=93 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
victorioussecrets alias= subteams= rank=94 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
youthfulpeople alias= subteams= rank=95 pts=6 tb= ftime= comment=
girlsarepuzzles alias= subteams= rank=96 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
outsiders alias= subteams= rank=97 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
spicypecans alias= subteams= rank=98 pts=5 tb= ftime= comment=
burritos alias= subteams= rank=99 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
john alias= subteams= rank=100 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
onsearch alias= subteams= rank=101 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
fgoat alias= subteams= rank=102 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
backpack alias= subteams= rank=103 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
badsquirrels alias= subteams= rank=104 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
astropals alias= subteams= rank=105 pts=4 tb= ftime= comment=
lowexp alias= subteams= rank=106 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
digamma alias= subteams= rank=107 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
tardcakes alias= subteams= rank=108 pts=3 tb= ftime= comment=
bang alias= subteams= rank=109 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
evelynsoong alias= subteams= rank=110 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
colin alias= subteams= rank=111 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
oos alias= subteams= rank=112 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
rm518 alias= subteams= rank=113 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
mhm2020 alias= subteams= rank=114 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
wearegoing alias= subteams= rank=115 pts=2 tb= ftime= comment=
swtng alias= subteams= rank=116 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
hunters alias= subteams= rank=117 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
foobar alias= subteams= rank=118 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
fstock96 alias= subteams= rank=119 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
pleaseknock alias= subteams= rank=120 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=
usma2020 alias= subteams= rank=121 pts=1 tb= ftime= comment=